There’s more in politic that I don’t know. But sometimes I do get some snippets about the cabinet from my mum, sisAtiqah and some other resources. But verily, all those don’t matter mainly. It matters but yet don’t matter mainly. This I conclude after finishing some books like ‘Panggilan Jihad di bumi Afghanistan’ and ‘History of Palestine’ by Dr. Mohsen Mohammed Saleh.
At first, I have never imagined Afghanistan, Iraq or Palestine as a free country. When I hear, read or anything else about the venues, I shall descript in my mind of a country full of sorrows, deaths, bomings and obviously war. I picture the people of the country as a comunity that is always being tortured. A comunity that has nothing to do with leisure life, buisness, education, luxury or anything else than striving to live. But I pictured wrong. Before these countries have been attacked, they can be so-called a peace country as a country we live in wright now. They have education, buisness, networkings, universities and ministries. And yeah, they have music and entertaiment.
The question is how does it begun? How does a living peaceful country changes to a tragic war place drastically? Don’t they have any safety department to defend the country? Doesn’t the UN destrict to prevent the war? Hello…this is the twentieth millenium not the old ages or the middle ages. Be real. You can’t ambush a country as simple as that like in the legends.
As I read, I found out. It all started in the ministry. Like in Harry Potter. The Ministry ‘helps’ the evil in the mask of remarks of fighting the evil. Like I said in ‘off the hook…again’, it’s a fraud. It’s always a fraud. In Afghanistan firstly, the politicians, democricans, republicans are first implemented with liberalisme. Liberalisme can most likely be defined as an understanding of life using the logical method. So, they deny any spiritual beliefs in our daily life. Yet, it isn't too obvious except untill people starts to put a line between living and deen. Sekularisme, pluralisme and all that. (Just like what’s happening in Malaysia huh?) People are richened with pathetic methods that actually (when observed with iman) opposes the truth of our deen and His sayings and His messenger’s sayings. I declare it Ghazzwul fikr. The Israeli lobbies let them in the cabinet fighting each other with stupid ideologies then use one troop nearest to their benefits as the winner. They actually ‘lift’ them up to be the ruler. It’s true you know. Then the colonial government shall rule their way. They take least attention to our brothers in Iraq. (Iraq was the first middle-east country attacked) They gave money, but they didn’t give the rescue. They gave sympathy, but they didn’t fight through their fields. Then so-called scholars of deen that are liberally are given the best attention. This makes bad things to worst. The ummah in Afghanistan were dying for fikrah.

So how does from this state goes to war state?
As the people becomes eventually liberal, and some little people (so little) still gets the wright Fikrah. People who are modest to their highest. People who loves Allah and Rasulullah by heart, by living by thingking. Really, a Muslim is someone who lives a life to the fullest in a way of seeking mardhatillah. Not dungeoning itself in a cave, apart from people. Simply said that there were still mujadids that understands the mean of ustaziyyatul alam. They work hard to call the ummah to come back to Allah. This is when the troubles unleash itself. The government isn’t happy with this. They isolate these jihad populations in every angle. It was a stress. But Allah’s deen shall never faint. They were taken down step by step. First, they prison and torture on unreasonable purposes. Torture is just so little for our mujahids. Eventually, the government act’s braver to slaughter and call upon war...in the name of peace. Say what? Yup its unlogic but somehow logic to the government. But no one can do anything. People were blinded. Calls for justice strength a whisper. Then, there were the ‘help for peace’ from the evil forces. This is when the US and Israeli lobbies play their role. Trying all their best to win their dreams. As in Harry Potter. Some ministers are their slave. Some ministers were blinded. Some minsters were fooled. Some ministers were trapped in a choice of whether to follow or whether to die. The fact is that these forces of fighting evil oftenly expressed in cartoons, movies, and Harry Potter are reflecting the truth of what’s happening wright now behind our eyes. The next time you watch Avator, Naruto, or etc…try to think that there is also an evil force in the real world that needs to be demolished.
As the people becomes eventually liberal, and some little people (so little) still gets the wright Fikrah. People who are modest to their highest. People who loves Allah and Rasulullah by heart, by living by thingking. Really, a Muslim is someone who lives a life to the fullest in a way of seeking mardhatillah. Not dungeoning itself in a cave, apart from people. Simply said that there were still mujadids that understands the mean of ustaziyyatul alam. They work hard to call the ummah to come back to Allah. This is when the troubles unleash itself. The government isn’t happy with this. They isolate these jihad populations in every angle. It was a stress. But Allah’s deen shall never faint. They were taken down step by step. First, they prison and torture on unreasonable purposes. Torture is just so little for our mujahids. Eventually, the government act’s braver to slaughter and call upon war...in the name of peace. Say what? Yup its unlogic but somehow logic to the government. But no one can do anything. People were blinded. Calls for justice strength a whisper. Then, there were the ‘help for peace’ from the evil forces. This is when the US and Israeli lobbies play their role. Trying all their best to win their dreams. As in Harry Potter. Some ministers are their slave. Some ministers were blinded. Some minsters were fooled. Some ministers were trapped in a choice of whether to follow or whether to die. The fact is that these forces of fighting evil oftenly expressed in cartoons, movies, and Harry Potter are reflecting the truth of what’s happening wright now behind our eyes. The next time you watch Avator, Naruto, or etc…try to think that there is also an evil force in the real world that needs to be demolished.
It’s silly to think that we are a free country. Let’s do a quick research. In the History form 3 text book KBSM, it is told that Lord William Reid was in duty of stucturing Tanah Malaya’s constitution. Realistically, we’re living in a constitution schemed by their forces. We have been programmed to play in a field of politic that doesn’t have anything to do with our deen. We have been programmed to not fight their commands. Our loyalty is given to Queen Elizabeth according to the constitution.We have signatured military and politicial engagements. We call that independency? Maybe you’ve heard of independency in Zahiriyyah not batiniyyah. How about knowing that we are actually under their forces…their control? Is that liberty? Once our mujadids widen their step in politics and try to modify our country being more Islamicaly (inshaAllah)…there shall soon be troops warning us to take back the inforcement. Threats of war shall be sent. Thus, brace yourselves. Because the day of war for us will come somehow. Thus, do not stop thinking. Do not stop working. Do not stop building. This journey is not for faint hearteds. It needs srength and wisdom. Muslims find their strength in iman. The srength of iman shall raise all other strength. Read books. Hear preaches. Seek for strength. The day shall come. Whether we win from the very beginning or whether we lie down being faint hearted. Whether we fight the evil or whether we are with the evil. You’ll never know. But, in one way or another…there will be war.
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