I am really affected by the latest breaking news regarding to the Mumbai Attack. Once again the blame is rapidly pointed to our brothers, if you have the sense to channel up CNN or BBC news. Even alJazeere gives a good shot to our recruits now. I've lost my sense. This is an absolute outrage. Whether its not turning to that program or exploding my head off. So.. its been 2 month that i've chosen a new news resource. Ofcourse you don't wanna be left behind. It's important to get up-to-dated on the recent news.. More important to get the wright news. Wright now, i don't rely fully on such resources. To be honest, they're all 'unreliable' but still..
I got my news from one of the brothers blog. From his blog you could 'luncur masuk senawang' Ikhwanweb and etc related. Kinda unnecessary to link that web to my (our) blog. There are many other blogs that have already linked to it.
So i read..
The Mumbai Attacks - Al Qaeda, Pakistani Proxies or Hindutva Backlash?
Howcome its not US forces for a change? Or an Israeli lobby? Oh yeah, they already got the world blinded at the very first. Again. Its another fraud of getting of the hook again. May people wake up? from their paralized thought that the truth is hidden! No.. they prefer more to be rubbed by the TIMES, FORWARD, the weekly standard and etc.
kinda offended by this:
Despite claims from an Islamic militant group taking credit for the attacks, a U.S. counterterrorism official cautioned that the chaos in Mumbai prevented a quick read on the attacks. The targets and sophistication of the attacks put Islamic extremists high on the list of likely suspects, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence. The Justice Department said the FBI was monitoring the situation closely and was prepared to offer assistance if Indian authorities asked for it but said it had not yet received such a request
I got my news from one of the brothers blog. From his blog you could 'luncur masuk senawang' Ikhwanweb and etc related. Kinda unnecessary to link that web to my (our) blog. There are many other blogs that have already linked to it.
So i read..
The Mumbai Attacks - Al Qaeda, Pakistani Proxies or Hindutva Backlash?
Howcome its not US forces for a change? Or an Israeli lobby? Oh yeah, they already got the world blinded at the very first. Again. Its another fraud of getting of the hook again. May people wake up? from their paralized thought that the truth is hidden! No.. they prefer more to be rubbed by the TIMES, FORWARD, the weekly standard and etc.
kinda offended by this:
Despite claims from an Islamic militant group taking credit for the attacks, a U.S. counterterrorism official cautioned that the chaos in Mumbai prevented a quick read on the attacks. The targets and sophistication of the attacks put Islamic extremists high on the list of likely suspects, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence. The Justice Department said the FBI was monitoring the situation closely and was prepared to offer assistance if Indian authorities asked for it but said it had not yet received such a request
Bush’s fitback about the India Attack 2 days ago
Such comment wright. Ofcourse Richard Perle is behind this. Seizing and destroying anyone 'they' like for their important security purpose. Or elsely said, to shut up some mouthes. And again. pointing their fingers to any other association to clean up their mess. Oh William Kristol shall be smilling alright.
Silly not to know.. that the fraud or the mask has been provoked ways of centuries ago. (not centuries though). From before world war one had even begun. Even before the cold war between US and Soviet Union. Its a fraud alright. A BIG fraud. Al this time, there's never been any war from US against elseforce except us. Maybe their is a slight of Japan and South Korea but that is nothing but a minor. Its us that they are fighting for. Mentally and physically. Brace yourselves. Although Malaysia is not like Afghanistan, Iraq or Palestine.. but you are being attacked. We are being attack. Let me help you prove it. Whens the last time you did your prayer at the mosque? Did you or did you not sleep after the Subuh Prayer? Have you done your reciting of theQur'an or not? Have you greet your parents well this morning? Have you revised your book or not? Sure i know its not in the exams period but what do you read for? The exams? Oh.. surely we are shot dead.
So lets wake up to see the truth my brothers and sisters! Lets work on tazkiyyatunnafs and muliyatul ujub! Lets!
For fokes craving for truely and reliably news.. maybe these books could help. Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper and The High Priest of War by Michael Collins Piper. Both of them are under Saba Islamic Media. 'Final Judgement' also regards the America's No1 banned book. Oh.. and yeah, you could find a translated to Malay book.
Michael Collins Piper is not a Muslim but he is a human being that fights for human wrigts. He is rich with humanity. As we know that his hard and dangerously work is uncounted yet uncountable.. shall we pray for his sophisticated passion may one day open the door of hidayah. Ameen.
Once again my brothers my sisters. I speak to you of my dissapointment. I summon you to summon me to regard each other to Zikrullah for staying in His path. For fighting for His Deen. For living a TRUEmuslim lives. Wallahu'alam
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